Direct Flight (Voo Direto) is a 2010 TV series produced by Semba Comunicação and SP Televisão from Angola and Portugal respectively. This duo-national series stars actors from Angola and Portugal such as Micaela Reis, Soraia Chaves, Maya Booth, and Érica Chissapa.
Direct Flight follows the story of four friends; Patricia, Marta, Yara and Weza, the first two from Portugal and the last two from Angola who are confronted with the daily struggles of the modern-day career woman and hitting the age of the 30s leaves them contemplating how much they have done with their lives in terms of marriage, motherhood and their professional lives as well.
The reality of the struggles in intimate relationships with men are also some of the highlights of this show.
When everything seems to have been decided, these four women will realize that each new day can bring new things after all.
Direct Flight airs on Romanza+ Africa (Azam TV, Channel 149) , Mondays to Fridays at 7.10 p.m. EAT