

May 14, 2018

Tangled Hearts

We have a brand new show coming to Nina TV  tonight at 7.05 p.m. CAT, 8.05 P.m. EAT, 6.05 p.m. WAT.
The telenovela, titled, Tangled Hearts, replaces the just ended Sparkling Girls (Cheias de Charme).

Tangled Hearts tells the story of 6 young individuals whose lives intertwine in a quest of wanting to love and to be loved.
The tale focuses on Amora Campana, a fast tracking Brazilian IT girl, whose life encompasses fame and glamor. She is dating Mauricio who isn't as extra as she is and loves her sincerely. Amora's life revolves around fame and she is vain and devious in sorts.

Her step-sister, Malu, is the biological daughter of the nasty affluent Barbara Ellen who prefers Amora to her own daughter. Malu is a young student who dedicates her life to overseeing a children's refuge called Toca do Saci. Amora and her do not get along at all.

Bento de Jesus is a florist who was raised alongisde Amora as children before she was adopted by Barbara Ellen. He is a kind young man who dedicates himself to the people around him and is loved by all. His weakness, however, is his love for Amora, whom life will place in his path once more.

Giane de Souza is Bento's partner in their flower business, The Yellow Acacia. He sees her as a younger sister whom he cherishes and loves but has no idea that beneath the feisty facade, Giane loves him unconditionally.

Fabinho Queiroz is a bad boy who only lives for wealth. He becomes irritable once his adoptive family loses all its fortune, and traces his parentage to Plinio Campana, father to Malu. His mission will be to claim his father's name, but above all, his money. He will stop at nothing to quench his thirst for wealth.

Beneath the skin, lies within these 6 characters, the desire to love and to be loved. A romantic comedy that you will love and enjoy to bits. We will recap the entire show on our Facebook page. The novela concluded on Citizen TV Kenya.  The telenovela stars Sophie Charlotte, Marco Pigossi, Fernanda Vasconcellos, Isabelle Drummond, Jayme Matarazzo and Humberto Carrão.







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