Citizen TV

FRIENDS TO THE RESCUE Episodes 116 & 117

January 05, 2019

Episode 116

The children finally separate and it is decided that Manuela's friends shall go on their own back to the village, while Isabela playing Manuela will go with the Vaz siblings.

Sabrina decides to handcuff herself to Omar in an effort to prevent them from being kidnapped. Unfortunately, she forgot where she left the key, irritating Omar way more than he already is, but she decides to show him the cool things that the handcuffs can do, such as make an alert sound when danger strikes.

Safira arrives irritably at Regina's mansion and orders Priscila to go home with her.
Téo, Mateus and Dóris find a phone as soon as they leave the woods. The three friends make a call from the payphone to Clara.

When Clara picks up the phone, she cries upon hearing her daughter's voice. The couple decide to head out to get their children from where they are and even tell Fiorina and Giuseppe, who celebrate. Everyone, including Pedro, Helena and even Nico agree with going to get the children.

Joaquim is annoyed with the photos he saw of Manuela and André looking flirty with each other. Priscila and Safira argue about what she has put the former through by dragging her out of the Junqueira mansion in that manner.

Meire and Dinho are desperate when they realize that they are lost in the woods. Navarro and Vargas listen to Meire's distress calls. Fortunato tells Safira to leave from home after the episode she has put Priscila through.

The guards appear without clothes and Meire asks for help from them, who explain that thieves stole their clothes. Téo, Mateus and Dóris find their parents again while Meire and Dinho decide to finally leave the woods.

Episode 117

Manuela asks Ofélio to look for Tumtum before Regina kills the mouse.
A Werewolf appears in the woods and scares Isabela and the Vaz brothers, who are in a tent. Felipe throws the bag out of the tent to the werewolf.
Rebeca sings at the ice cream parlor to greet the children and welcome them back home safe and sound.

Otávio arrives at the village and is already in the ice cream parlor just as soon as she has finished singing and Pedro even makes fun of him, saying he has missed Rebeca's singing. Otávio teases Rebeca, telling her he would like her to sing to him and only for him, making Pedro even more jealous, much to Helena's annoyance and Flávia tells her that soon he will realize what he has been missing out on .

Ofélio leaves the door of the secret passage open. Regina discovers the passage where Isabela entered the mansion: She realizes that she has been deceived the entire time. The woman is enraged and quarrels with Manuela, who swears she did not know anything.

Otávio sleeps for the first time in Rebecca's house, but on the couch.
In an effort to feed themselves. the children decide to hunt their own food.
Rebecca gives Otávio a neck and back massage in the morning since he has pains from sleeping on the couch.

Priscila is sad that Fortunato forbade her mother from coming home.

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