After playing the roles of Leo in Hidden Truths and Charles in Total Dreamer, produced by Globo, Raphael Sander joined RecordTV in 2017 when he played the role of Noah Koheg in Apocalypse and he played Angel Gabriel in Jesus.
In 2020, Raphael will reprise his role of Angel Gabriel in the upcoming telenovela. Genesis. The project was started by writer Gustavo Reiz before he eventually bolted and left RecordTV. The telenovela has since been picked up by writer Emilio Boechat.
Other actors who have also been cast include the Brave Woman actor Oscar Magrini, as well as Flávio Galvão. Oscar Magrini takes up the role of Noah, while Flavio Galvao takes up the challenging role of playing God.
Cast members who have already been confirmed include Adriana Garambone ( Moses and the Ten Commandments ), Igor Rickli ( Caribbean Flower ), Zé Carlos Machado, ( Moses and the Ten Commandments ), Carlo Porto ( Irrational Heart ) and Juliana Boller.
Oh! I had no idea they were making another biblical novela! I would love to see Genesis and I hope it eventually gets aired in the US.