We start with Malu telling Simone that she needs Amora to be sorry about her mistakes and Bento tells her not to worry about that. She needs to be strong for the transplant. They assure her to be strong for the procedure and Malu leaves. Simone tells Bento that he is just a godsend and Bento says the same of her.
He is in admiration of how someone like her who has gone through so much trouble, still manages to possess good energy.
Erico calls out Natan for taking advantage of Veronica and wants him to leave. Veronica arrives and wants to know what is happening. He tells Veronica that it is very low of Natan to try using his situation to play the victim. Veronica asks Erico what business of his it is but then Erico says that it isn’t. Erico tells Natan to be a man for once in his life.
Wilson tells Amora that he does not believe that she was set up but Amora swears someone is trying to incriminate her. That is when she begins to think that Socorro could have been the one who set her up. Wilson tells her to stop blaming Socorro but Amora thinks Socorro did all this as she was upset by her. Wilson tells her to get out and Amora says she will prove it was Socorro who sabotaged the buffet.
She goes to Socorro to confront her. Socorro is astounded that Amora could dare blame her for the sabotaging of the buffet and trying to incriminate her by pushing Malu but then Socorro tells her that she did everything she asked loyally. Amora slaps her and tells her that she will prove it was her.
Damaris changes to Gladis and amuses all the people around (Mada and Emilia). She calls everyone’s attention and calls for a party much to Lucindo’s happiness.
Fabinho listens in on Amora and Socorro arguing and walks in just as Amora is slapped by Socorro after telling her that she was born to serve others and is a nobody. Fabinho laughs and enters. Amora tells him to stay out of this and leaves. He asks Socorro what she did to her muse but the latter tells him to just leave.
Amora tells Fabinho that Socorro did all that to incriminate her and wonders why he won’t believe her since he was once in a spot where no one believed him. He tells her he does not pity her and she leaves silently.
When he goes back home, Fabinho tells Malu, Plinio and Irene that this time, he believes Amora is innocent. First of all, a ring wouldn’t have fallen off her finger so easily, and Amora is much too smart to devise a plan and leave any loopholes. Plinio says that it could be. He has a friend who has specialized in organized crime and they can tap into Amora’s cell phone system to try uncover the supposed threat texts she has been receiving.
Mada arrives from the wedding with Luz, Kevin, Dorothy and Emilia. She tells them what an amazing wedding it was and how it turned out to be quite the amusement after Lucindo and Tina did not getting married, but he tied the know with Damaris. She also warns Fabinho to be careful with his immature fight with Giane because they are good together and need to resolve their issues.
Peracio’s exhibit is going on and Gloria is restless. She tells Eliseu that despite being happy to see her son happy, she cannot stand the fact that Brenda and Lana are using Peracio. She decides it would be best if she left but then Peracio notices her intention to leave and asks her to stay.
Amora finds Bento at the hospital and tells him it is too late for him to have stayed up that long. She says that she will stay with Simone and he volunteers to watch over Mayara and Andre for the night. Then, Amora confides in him about her conviction of Socorro being the one who sabotaged the buffet and pushed Malu down the stairs to incriminate her. Bento suggests that she report to the police but then she says a report like that will require her dire presence for endless questioning and she needs to be with Simone. All she wants is his help to pressurize Simone into confessing her part in trying to incriminate Amora.
At the exhibit, Filipinho gives an interview to Monica with Tabata and Xander in tow, about his music classes and his progress in New York. After Monica leaves, Filipinho is astounded that there were no questions concerning his sexual orientation and Tabata tells him that there is media which is decent in the country.
Peracio gives an interview and after seeing Rosemere, he decides to confess on TV that he was a forger although Brenda tries to stop him, he confesses anyway. Lana tries to quell the situation and calls Peracio a drug addict but Filipinho defends him and Carmem defends him too in front of the TV.
Gloria congratulates him and she is ecstatic at his bravery. He embarrasses Brenda about being the one who and she tries to blame Gloria but then Peracio is happy with himself.
Fabinho visits Giane with flowers and wants a reminder on why they are fighting. She calls him rude, full of himself and thinking her of being a gold digger is even worse.
Gloria is happy that Peracio regained his dignity and Carmem says she will sponsor Peracio.
Bento and Jonas team up to pressure Socorro to admit that it was her. Giane and Fabinho arrive and also join in, Giane pressuring her to tell what she knows but then Socorro denies ever pushing Malu because everything she ever did was out of loyalty to Amora. Gilson and Salma tell them to cool it after Socorro leaves and Giane suggests that everything is too complicated and they need to figure things out themselves.
Simone tells Amora to be sure to ask for forgiveness but then she suddenly starts to deteriorate.
Peracio tells Gloria and everyone else about Brenda being in jail for a night and he will pick her up. Nestor warns him to be careful about ending up in jail because he made a public confession but then Peracio tells them that he already has agreements with the police chief.
Veronica and Nelson have a date where she tells him she only wants to appreciate his friendship without any commitment since she is too preoccupied. Nelson is disappointed but does not hold it against her and Veronica is still in awe of his lack of rancor and his gentleness.
Renata and Erico argue about his going to Veronica’s and she leaves for him to figure out his feelings.
Peracio tells everyone that his confession cannot incriminate him because it needs to be backed up by a report from someone who has discovered about the art forgery and is claiming for compensation.
Amora cries to Bento about Simone’s deterioration. She is devastated about her almost going to jail and Mayara and Andre.
Giane and Fabinho walk home together in love embracing each other.
Tina sarcastically tells Barbara that she will be there for her and Barbara tells her to drop the tv show, Calabresa Family, in order to support Vitinho. Vitinho agrees but Tina is quick to tell him that she is not quitting the show.
Veronica and Natan talk. He thanks her for her help and says he needs to move on and go back to his place and reorganize his life. He kisses her and prepares to leave.
Cleo sees Erico and wants a job. He tells them they need a strictly professional relationship. She wants to know if the good old Erico is back. Erico does not understand what she means and Cleo tells him that the Erico she knows was in love with Veronica.
Tabata and Xander decide to stay with Peracio. She admits Xander and Tabata that they have different fathers and about Olavo – Xander’s father (he was the one who suggested to Brenda to use Peracio as a pawn whereby she can make money off his painting talent in art forgery) being a phony and they leave her all alone.
Amora arrives at Simone’s room and shows her a picture of possible donors. She sings a song for Simone reminding her of the days when she was a child and was sweet.
The entire gang comes to see Simone at hospital and Malu observes Amora’s suffering. As time goes by, it seems Simone keeps getting weaker but pushing on very slowly.
Simone slowly dies in the morning as Amora wakes up and she gets up to go to her. She kisses Simone on her forehead, tells her to rest in peace and lays down beside her.
Amora tells Bento how difficult it was to accept to forgive her sister but in the end. Amora tells Bento that she would give anything to understand compassion and he tells her that it is what she feels for Simone.
Andre brings a gift to Amora that Simone was saving for her. Carmem suggests to Renata to go to Rio and be an administrator of her businesses in order to let space and time give her chances to think about what she truly feels for Erico.
Amora opens the box and finds a pair of shoes and reads a letter from Simone which Bento continues to read as she breaks down in heavy tears. She recalls the time when Simone promised her the shoes as children.
Just as she is being embraced by Andre and Mayara after Bento tells her that she has people who love her, she receives a text message saying from her secret blackmailer :
Without pity or remorse….